South Pittsburgh Development Corporation (SPDC) is an all-volunteer community development organization in Brookline and was established in 1992. The organization exists to serve the neighborhood and to ensure that Brookline is a great place to live, shop, worship, raise your children, and retire. The organization is made up of 10 board members and has a membership of 75 residents. Many of these members are your neighbors, your friends, and local business owners. The organization is working to promote positive energy and projects in our neighborhood so that we can remain the third largest neighborhood in Pittsburgh and continue to support the 90+ businesses that support our community.
Many things happen behind the scenes, but the South Pittsburgh Development Corporation is responsible for many one-time and on-going projects in Brookline:
- Lead organizer on the Brookline Boulevard Redevelopment Project.
- Editor and publisher of The Brookline, a monthly community newsletter and source for valuable information related to all things Brookline.
- Secured a 100 year lease at the corner of Jacob & Whited Streets, installed "Welcome to Brookline" monument, and planning further uses as an urban conservation / beautification site.
- The lead organization for implementation of the Dogi-Pot Program and continues to provide volunteers to restock the Dogi-Pots located along Brookline Boulevard.
- Partnering organization in many local events and fundraisers.
- Local business development and retention support.
- Installation and maintenance of street banners along Brookline Boulevard.
SPDC hosts several community events each year. Those events include:
- Earth Day clean-ups
- Neighborhood clean-ups
Find more information out at: www.brookline-pgh.org
Email us: spdc.brookline@gmail.com
Find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/BrooklineSPDC
Follow us on Twitter at @BrooklineSPDC